There may be times when a resident's address will change during the move-in process. This article will help guide you through changing the address and any necessary steps to ensure all tasks are completed and ready to go for move-in day.
Update Address
- Log into Updater
- Click on Residents
- Search and find the future resident you would like to change the address
- Click on the Future resident's name
- Click on edit to the right of Resident Detail or click the pencil
next to the unit under Leasing details
- Change the address to the correct one
- Click on Save changes
Note: If you attempt to update the unit number and receive an error message, this likely means that your resident has already completed the "Forward your mail" task. In this case, please contact support to make this change on your behalf.
Reject any approved tasks
- Log into Updater
- Click on Residents
- Search and find the future resident you would like to change the address of
- Click on the Future resident's name
- Click on the already approved move-in task
- Click on Update task status
- Click on Reject task
- Type in a reason as: address change please resubmit
- Click Send message
Notify your future resident
- Reach out to your future resident via phone or email and let them know that the unit number has changed and they will need to resubmit all move-in tasks again for approval.
- An email will be sent to the future resident asking them to resubmit the move-in task.