Click on Settings
Click on Properties
Click the community you would like to add insurance to
Click on Task Configuration located underneath your property name
Scroll down the page until you find Insurance
Click the Edit
If this task has not been set up, click the Toggle to the right of Insurance requirements & providers. If this task already has been set up, click Edit.
In the search section, begin to type in the insurance provider you would like to add and select it from the drop-down menu.
If your preferred Insurance provider has a custom website for residents, enter the URL in the text box below the provider's name.
Type in directions for the resident
It’s helpful to include details like
- minimum liability coverage
- interested parties to be named on the policy
- documents needed to prove coverage (like the policy declaration page)
For example,
- Your renter's insurance must cover a minimum of $100,000 in liability coverage.
- Your property name must be named on the policy as "additional insured" and/or "interested party."
Please remember to bring a copy of your policy on move-in day, effective that day.
- Click Save changes
Seeing additional settings not listed here? Check out our article for Updater Pro|Onboarding!