This article contains instructions to help you set up new resident tasks and requirements. Click here to download the set-up checklist.
Begin by logging in to Updater. Navigate to the Settings tab then select Task configuration where you'll find all features available to personalize for your community. Note that any tasks left turned off will not appear in your future resident’s Updater app.
Jump to a task by selecting the name below:
- Set move-in costs
- Gas service
- Water service
- Electric service
- Important documents
- Renters Insurance
- Pet registration
- Pet registration with PetScreening®
- Elevator scheduling
- Schedule key pickup
- Loading dock reservation
- Vehicle registration
- Package & deliveries
- Download community app
- Security deposit alternative
- Report your rent
- TV & internet
Set move-in cost - Set move-in costs to let residents know which fees are due and how to submit payment.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Designate a payment method - Select how move-in fees are paid; payment portal or money order/ cashier’s check. |
2. Your community’s move-in costs - Add line items for each move-in cost i.e. pet fee, cleaning fee, security deposit etc. Once saved this will act as a template and can be personalized for each resident. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
3. Directions for your resident - Give additional instructions or context related to move-in costs. |
4. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to acknowledge they have reviewed their move-in costs. |
Gas service - Indicate your gas service provider and if proof of service is required.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred providers - Search for your preferred provider(s) and select up to three. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to submit proof of gas service. |
Water service - Indicate your water service provider and if proof of service is required.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred providers - Search for your preferred provider(s) and select up to three. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to submit proof of water service. |
4. Note - If you need to provide a meter number, you can add this as directions to individual residents after they've synced. |
Electric service - Indicate your electric service provider and if proof of service is required.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred providers - Search for your preferred provider(s) and select up to three. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to submit proof of electric service. |
Important documents - Upload important documents for future residents to review i.e. community guidelines, policies or addendums.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Upload important documents - Upload up to 5 multi-page documents in PDF, jpeg, jpg, doc, docx, or png format under 5MB. Fill in the document name, a description, and choose a category for each document uploaded. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Make step required - Setting this task as required will prompt residents to acknowledge they reviewed the documents. |
Renters Insurance - Select requirements for renters insurance in your community. Specify liability requirements (if any) and set whether proof of insurance is required.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred provider - Add your preferred provider to let future residents know where to get renters insurance. |
2. Preferred Provider Link - You may add a link to the unique landing page your preferred provider gives you. |
3. Directions for your resident - Give additional instructions or context to future residents such as insurance minimum requirements. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
4. Make step required - Toggle on to require future residents to submit proof of insurance. |
TV & internet - Set preferred providers for TV and Internet in your community.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred providers - Search for your preferred provider(s) and select up to ten. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Exclusive provider agreements - Mark if your community has an exclusive agreement with a provider |
3. Customize property specifics - Select providers if you have a wiring restriction, pre-installed modems, a bulk agreement, or if satellite dishes are allowed |
Pet registration - Select the integrated pet registration task. Select requirements for pet registrations in your community. Residents will be prompted to provide vaccination records and breed information like pets’ age and weight.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Set the permitted number of pets - Set the maximum number of pets future residents are allowed to have. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents i.e. please review our community’s pet policies. |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required to pet(s). |
Pet registration with Pet Screening® - Select the pet registration with PetScreening®. Select requirements for pet registrations in your community. Residents will be linked to your property's PetScreening URL.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. PetScreening® URL - Provide your community's custom URL for PetScreening®. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents i.e. please review our community’s pet policies. |
2. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required to pet(s). |
3. Set whether informational only - Toggle this on to provide instructions only (no links) on how to register pets with PetScreening®. |
Elevator scheduling - Add your calendar link to the scheduling link box to allow residents to submit times for approval. If you do not use a scheduling link, add detailed instructions on how to schedule elevator use.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Set whether informational only - Toggle this on to provide instructions only (no links) on how to schedule elevator use. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Scheduling Link - Add a link to your scheduling tool or public calendar. |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required to reserve elevator use. |
Schedule key pickup - Add your calendar link to the scheduling link box to allow residents to submit times for approval. If you do not use a scheduling link, add detailed instructions on how to schedule key pickup.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Set whether informational only - Toggle this on to provide instructions only (no links) to future residents. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Scheduling Link - Add a link to your scheduling tool or public calendar. |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required to reserve time for key pickup. |
Loading dock reservation - Add your calendar link to the scheduling link box to allow residents to submit times for approval. If you do not use a scheduling link, add instructions on who to contact to schedule loading dock use.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Set whether informational only - Toggle this on to just provide instructions (no links) to future residents on how to schedule loading dock use |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Scheduling Link - You may add a link to your scheduling tool or public calendar. |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to reserve loading dock use. |
Vehicle registration - Provide information to residents on how they should register their vehicles. Add a provider link if needed.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. 3rd party vehicle registration portal - You may add a link to your vehicle or parking management company. |
2. In-app vehicle registration - Select the maximum amount of vehicles allowed and if you require the car make/model/year/color. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
3. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents i.e. where the garage is located, credentials needed to access the parking garage, etc. |
4. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to register their vehicle |
Package & deliveries - Add a link to allow residents to sign up for package & delivery services. If you do not have a link, add detailed instructions on where residents can find and pick up packages.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Set whether informational only - Toggle on to provide instructions only (no links) |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Preferred Provider Link - Add a link to an app like Parcel, Fetch, or other used by your community. Or, link to the resident portal where future residents can sign up for package notifications |
3. Make step required - Toggle on to require future residents to set up package notifications |
Download community app - Direct users to your community’s app by adding a link below. Add detailed instructions as needed.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Google play store link - Add a link to the Google play store so android users can download your community app. |
2. Apple app store link - Add a link to the Apple app store so iOS users can download your community app. |
OR |
3. Single generic link - Toggle this on to provide a web-based link to your community app. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
4. Directions for your resident - Give additional instructions or context to future residents. |
5. Make step required - Toggle on to make it required for future residents to acknowledge they understand how to access your community’s app. |
Security deposit alternative - Add a link to your security deposit alternative. Add detailed instructions as needed.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred provider - Add your preferred provider for a security deposit alternative |
2. Preferred Provider Link - Add a link to your preferred provider. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
3. Directions for your resident - Give additional instructions or context to future residents. |
Report your rent - Add a link to your provider to report rent payments that help future residents build credit.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred Provider Link - Add a link to the unique landing page from your preferred provider. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Directions for residents - Give additional instructions or context to future residents |
TV & internet - Set preferred providers for TV and Internet in your community.
To turn this step on you need: |
1. Preferred providers - Search for your preferred provider(s) and select up to ten. |
Additional options to give future residents more context: |
2. Exclusive provider agreements - Mark if your community has an exclusive agreement with a provider |
3. Customize property specifics - Select providers if you have a wiring restriction, pre-installed modems, a bulk agreement, or if satellite dishes are allowed |